ESR recently put up a paper on his redesign of the request-response
protocol for gpsd
. The gpsd
project is interesting in its own
right, but what interests me is his use of JSON to serialize command
and response data to the back end of the daemon.
Like many hackers, I'm indifferent to Java. I've never had the urge
to learn it and I've been fortunate that my employment has never
required its use. I have noticed, however, that Java-related things
always seem to start with a capital J, so when I saw references to
JSON I always assumed it was yet another Java something or other and
passed it by without further investigation. Like most forms of
prejudice, of course, this was merely ignorance. While it's true that
the J does stand for Java, JSON actually stands for Java Script
Object Notation and it's a really neat way of serializing complex
data for transfer between applications.
JSON has two types of data structures:
- arrays, in which the values are comma separated and enclosed in
square brackets, and
- objects, which are serialized representations of what Lispers call
hash tables or alists and Pythonistas call dictionaries. An object
is a comma separated list of name/value pairs enclosed in curly
braces. The name/value pairs have the form "name" : value.
These structures are fully recursive and each can contain instances of itself or the other. Names are always strings, but object and array values can be strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true
, false
, or null
. The exact syntax, complete with railroad diagrams, is given
on the site linked above; a formal description is given in
RFC 4627. As an example, here is a hypothetical object representing a
{"father":{"name":"John Smith", "age":45, "employer":"YoYodyne, inc."},
"mother":{"name":"Wilma Smith", "age":42},
"children":[{"name":"William Smith", "age":15},
{"name":"Sally Smith","age":17}]}
Notice that white space can be inserted between any pair of tokens to
make the object more human-readable, but that it is not required.
Also notice that unused fields in objects (but not arrays) can be
omitted as the employer field is in all but the father's object.
What I like about this is that it's fundamentally Lispy, which
shouldn't be a surprise given JavaScript's Scheme lineage. For
example, the above JSON family object rendered in a typically Lisp
way is shown below. Notice how similar it is to the JSON rendering.
'((father . ((name . "John Smith") (age . 45) (employer . "YoYodynce, inc.")))
(mother . ((name . "Wilma Smith") (age . 42)))
(children . #(((name . "William Smith") (age . 15))
((name . "Sally Smith") (age . 17)))))
The nice thing about this representation is that the Lisp/Scheme
reader will parse it directly. True, the name/value pairs are
represented as alists, but for many applications that's the
appropriate choice. Common Lisp hash tables don't have an external
representation that is directly readable, but we could certainly use
alists as such a representation at the cost of spinning down the list
and hashing the names.
None of this is to say that we should eschew JSON in favor of
s-expressions, especially when doing data-interchange between
applications written in non-Lisp languages or even when interchanging
data between a Lisp application and, say, a C application. Rather, my
point is that Lispers should feel familiar and comfortable with it.
So what's the take away on this? First, that JSON is a simple and
ubiquitous (the page has links to parsers for dozens of
languages, including CL and Scheme) data-interchange format that can
make interprocess communication much easier when complex data is
involved. Second, I think it nicely illustrates the power of Lisp
ideas and data structures, even if JSON itself is neither.